I just completed the story in Valhalla and if you love God of War games you should enjoy the free DLC. First this DLC has an amazing story, and they did not skimp on the story line or the amount of content that this game contains. I enjoyed playing through it and my summary is below. If you have not finished the main Ragnarök story I definitely advise doing so before you play Valhalla, since it is based on Ragnarök and there are some spoilers.
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Valhalla Game Tidbits
Valhalla is a multi-attempt style game where you play through different areas to unlock other parts of the game that will eventually lead to the boss for the current attempt. Once you reach and beat the final boss in a given attempt, you are returned back to shore. Shore is basically your home base you are returned to shore upon death but also after beating the final boss on an attempt. At shore you are given rewards for getting further in Valhalla even if you don’t beat the final boss in the attempt. The shore is also where you get to purchase better skills, perks, and glyphs and change the shield, rage, and relic for your next attempt. The Tablet of Reflection is where you can purchase things to increase your Health and Rage, Stats, Glyphs, armor appearance, and various resources. The Tablet of Influence is where you can purchase various Tools, Resources, and Offerings. I’m purposely not going into too much detail to stay away from spoilers. A large part of the fun and excitement of the game is working through and finding out all that is available for you.
During your time at the shore, you are also given more story to digest from the NPC characters that “guard” the shore. To limit spoilers, I will not get into details on the boss or specific enemies, or who is at the shore. I will say that if you loved playing Ragnarök you should definitely enjoy going up against the boss. Fair warning like all God of War bosses it’s not easy even on the less difficult play settings. Get ready for fight!
There are some new creatures and enemies that you will come across that further adds to the enjoyment of this dlc.

Review Summary
- The graphics are amazing like all God of War games.
- Lots of new areas to explore
- Great storyline, I won’t get into any detail since this is a mostly spoiler free review.
- Armor from Valhalla is carried over to Ragnorak New Game Plus
- Exciting fight sequences and boss fights
- Many skills, upgrades, and weapon enhancements for Kratos.
- I don’t have any strong dislikes with this game, but sometimes during a failed attempt I do wish that there was an option to just retry the final boss fight instead of playing through another attempt sequence. The good thing about being forced to go through again is the fact that you get the chance to make your character stronger before trying again.

Well, that’s it for my thoughts on Valhalla. Look out for my deep dive into the Valhalla storyline, characters and encounters in the game. Thanks for sticking around and reading till the end.